2013-11-28 :-(
_ 午後
1300 仕様書読んだり || テスト設計しTARI
_ ドレッシングって自分で作れるんだっ!
( via tumblr )
おいしいドレッシングを作る大切な約束事はたった1つ、「酢が油をこえない」こと。つまり一番すっぱいドレッシングは、酢と油が同量なんです。万人向きは油:酢=2:1、塩・胡椒は適宜。あとは、サラダの材料は? 誰が食べるの?(男性か女性か、大人か子供か、若い人かお年寄りか…)、疲れているかいないか、気候は? 一緒に食べるメニューは? など、これらによって千差万別。すなわち、これが家庭の手作りドレッシングのすばらしいところ。食べる人のもろもろの条件・状況を、作る人がしっかり把握しているからこそ、いつもおいしさピッタリの味を提供できるのです。
_ [NetBSD]/etc/rc を読む まない
たとえば rc_real_wark のコメント
# # rc_real_work # Do the real work. Output from this function will be piped into # rc_postprocess(), and some of the output will be marked as # metadata. # # The body of this function is defined using (...), not {...}, to force # it to run in a subshell. # rc_real_work() (
たとえば rc_postprocess のコメント。
# # rc_postprocess # Post-process the output from the rc_real_work() function. For # each line of input, we have to decide whether to print the line # to the console, print a twiddle on the console, print a line to # the log, or some combination of these. # # If rc_silent is true, then suppress most output, instead running # rc_silent_cmd (typically "twiddle") for each line. # # The body of this function is defined using (...), not {...}, to force # it to run in a subshell. # # We have to deal with the following constraints: # # * There may be no writable file systems early in the boot, so # any use of temporary files would be problematic. # # * Scripts run during the boot may clear /tmp and/var/run, so even # if they are writable, using those directories too early may be # problematic. We assume that it's safe to write to our log file # after the mountcritlocal script has run. # # * /usr/bin/tee cannot be used because the /usr file system may not # be mounted early in the boot. # # * All calls to the rc_log_message and rc_log_flush functions must be # from the same subshell, otherwise the use of a shell variable to # buffer log messages will fail. # rc_postprocess()